Karate classes in Deeside

Karate classes in Deeside

If you are looking for Karate classes in Deeside then you’ve come to the right place. Freestyle Karate Kai is by far one of the most open and accepting karate places in Wales, with coaches and students that make every class fun, action packed and educational. As well as being physically and mentally testing, which is what martial arts should be about. 

“Tomorrow’s battle is won during today’s practice”.

History of Karate

While Karate is considered largely to be just a self defence technique in todays society, Karate has ancient history, honour, internal beliefs and one of the oldest forms of fighting to date. Although there is many styles of Karate, at the core it is considered to be one of the most spiritual, awakening and life changing of all martial arts. This is why there is such a vibrant and well documented history around Karate and that’s far beyond any of the movies that are made around Karate. 


Karate evolved in East Asia over a period of centuries, becoming systematized in the very well known heart and soul of Karate Okinawa in the 17th century, this is probably developed over time by people forbidden to carry weapons in those times. It was originally imported into Japan in the 1920s. Several martial arts schools and martial arts systems developed their own Karate style, each favouring somewhat different techniques and training methods. 


Karate, like other Asian martial-arts disciplines, stresses mental attitude, rituals of courtesy, costumes, and a complex ranking system (by colour of belt). There is some overlapping of technique with other fighting styles, but this ancient Arte of Karate is one born of respect, honour, spiritual enlightenment, self defence and discovering a new version of yourself. 

Benefits of Karate

  • Increased confidence in all areas of life
  • Learning self defence skills 
  • Increased energy throughout the day
  • Socialising with new active like minded people
  • Developing more focus and drive 
  • Learning new self disciplines 
  • Increased speed and strength 
  • A healthier and more active lifestyle 
  • Developing your accuracy and awareness 
  • Opportunities to develop and level up ‘grading / competitions’